Sunday, June 25, 2017

Iran: Exposing the Crimes of Desecrating MEK Martyrs' Graves in Tabriz

The interance to the Vadi-Rahmat Cemetary in Tabriz

Following the disclosure of a plan to desecrate the graves of MEK martyrs massacred by the Iranian regime in Ahwaz and Mashhad, the clerical regime also resorted to the same crime in the city of Tabriz, northwestern Iran.
According to MEK supporters, on June 22, 2017, the clerical regime in Wadi Rahmat in Tabriz, where the martyrs of the unknown MEK slain massacred in 1988 are buried, the regime began to raze and demolish the graves of the martyrs using construction machinery.
MEK reporters say that six people were involved in this heinous crime at the site. They removed the stones on the graves and threw them away and then poured 10 centimeters of concrete onto the graves.

Tabriz; Vadi-Rahmat, last year's clip for comparison 

Tabriz; Vadi-Rahmat, this year 

The map of where the graves have been desecrated 

The areal photo of the grave site where it has been demolished

The name of the company which is tasked with demolition

The front view of 'Grave of the Unknown MEK martyrs.

Track left by machinery used to demolish the grave site

Desecrated Grave stones

Desecrated Grave stones

Desecrated Grave stones at the graveyard 

A photograph of Unknown MEK martyrs

The section where concrete have been poured 

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